If your home is in danger of foreclosure, we have the experience you need to provide a strong foreclosure defense that can help you fight to avoid having your house taken away from you. If you have been threatened with foreclosure, we can help you take fast action to stand up and aggressively fight for your rights as a homeowner.
Contact The Law Office of Jason Cline to
schedule a consultation with a lawyer today at 505-595-0110
On your first visit, we will devise a plan to help settle your case quickly and with as little financial and emotional distress as possible. Our foreclosure defense strategy will depend upon where you stand in the foreclosure process. You might be in the pre-foreclosure stage, meaning that your creditors have not yet filed a foreclosure lawsuit against you. Or, you might have already received a notice that your creditors have filed a lawsuit, putting you in the post-foreclosure stage. No matter which situation you are in, an active defense can aid in the negotiation process since an alternative solution can help your lenders avoid the added expense of continued litigation.
Your serious financial troubles don't have to be seen as a reflection of your character. In our world, one unexpected major expense can send you on a downward spiral. Let an experienced attorney help you. If you live in Los Lunas, Rio Rancho, or anywhere else in New Mexico, call my office in Albuquerque today to schedule a free consultation.